Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Active and Passive Tenses

Simple Past Tenses
The simple pastpast simple or past indefinite, sometimes called the preterite, is the basic form of the past tense in Modern English. It is used principally to describe events in the past, although it also has some other uses. Regular English verbs form the simple past in -ed; however there are a few hundred irregular verbs with different forms.
The term "simple" is used to distinguish the syntactical construction whose basic form uses the plain past tense alone, from other past tense constructions which use auxiliaries in combination with participles, such as the past perfect and past progressive.
  • Basic simple past:
    • I/you/he/she/it/we/they helped
  • Expanded (emphatic) simple past:
    • I/you/he/she/it/we/they did help
  • Question form:
    • Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they help?
  • Negative:
    • I/you/he/she/it/we/they did not (didn'thelp
  • Negative question:
    • Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they not help? / Didn't I/you/he/she/it/we/they help?

  • Active             : S+ verb 2+ O
  • Passive            : O+ to be (was/were)+ verb 3+ by+ s

Notes :
  • To be "was" untuk objek I dan 3rd singular person (she,he,it,etc)
  • To be "were" untuk objek plural (we, they, you (kalian), 2 people, 10 students,etc) dan 2nd person (you(kamu)).
  • Verb 2 dan to be "did" untuk semua subjek.
  • Kalimat passive selalu menggunakan verb 3.
  • Hanya kalimat yang lengkap ada subjek dan objek yang bisa dibolak-balik. Kalau hanya subjek tanpa objek atau hanya objek tanpa subjek tidak bisa dibalik.

  • Active             : S+ did+ not+ verb 1 + O
  • Passive            : O+ was/were+ not+ verb 3+ by+ S

  • Active             : did+S+Verb1+O
  • Passive            : Was/were+O+Verb3+by+S

  • Active             : did+not+S+Verb1+O
  • Passive            : Was/were+not+O+Verb3+by+S

Active :
1.     (+) He sold his apartment to pay his debts yesterday
(+) My cat took my fried chicken- when I was washing my hands
2.     (-) Actually he didn't sell his apartment to pay his debts
(-) She didn't love you- but loved me
3.     (?)(+) Did he sell his apartment to pay his debts?
(?)(+) Did she love you?
4.     (?)(-) Didn’t he sell his apartment?
(?)(-) Didn’t she love you?

Passive :
1.     (+) His apartment was sold by him to pay his debts yesterday
(+) The corns were planted by them in the rice field
2.     (-) Actually his apartment wasn't sold by him, it's just rented
(-) You weren't loved by her, because she loved me
3.     (?)(+) Was his apartment sold by him?
(?)(+) Were you loved by her?
4.     (?)(-) Wasn’t his apartment sole by him?
(?)(-) Weren’t you loved by her?

Past continuous tense
The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, refers to a continuing action or state that was happening at some point in the past. The past continuous tense is formed by combining the past tense of to be (i.e., was/were) with the verb’s present participle (-ing word).
There are many situations in which this verb tense might be used in a sentence. For example, it is often used to describe conditions that existed in the past.
  • Active             : S+ was/were+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ was/were+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Notes :
  • To be "was" untuk subjek dan objek I dan 3rd singular person (she,he,it,Dewi,etc).
  • To be "were" untuk subjek dan objek 2nd person (you(kamu)) dan plural (they,we,you(kalian),Mega and Kiki,etc).
  • Kalimat passive selalu menggunakan being dan past participle (verb 3).
  • Penggunaan to be untuk kalimat active tergantung subjek, sedangkan untuk passive tergantung objek, sehingga terkadang sebuah to be pada kalimat active bisa berubah ketika kalimatnya dirubah ke passive dan sebaliknya.
  • Active             : S+was/were+not+present participle (V1+ing)+O
  • Passive            : O+was/were+not+being+verb 3+by+S

  • Active             : Was/were+S+(V1+ing)+O
  • Passive            : was/were+O+being+Verb3+by+S 

  • Active             : Was/were+not+S+(V1+ing)+O
  • Passive            : Was/were+not+O+being+Verb3+by+S

1.     (+) I was wearing his jacket
(+) Gilang was opening the door for me
2.     (-) I wasn’t wearing his jacket
(-) Gilang wasn’t opening the door, but he’s closing it
3.     (?)(+) Was I wearing his jacket?
(?)(+) Was Gilang opening the door for me?
4.     (?)(-) Wasn’t I wearing his jacket?
(?)(-) Wasn’t Gilang opening the door for me?

1.     (+) His jacket was being worn by me
(+) The door was being opened by Gilang for me
2.     (-) His jacket wasn’t being worn by me
(-) The door wasn’t being opened by Gilang
3.     (?)(+) Was his jacket being worn by me?
(?)(+) Was the door being opened by Gilang?
4.     (?)(-) Wasn’t his jacket being worn by me?
(?)(-) Wasn’t the door being opened by Gilang?

Past perfect tense
The past perfect refers to a time earlier than before now. It is used to make it clear that one event happened before another in the past. It does not matter which event is mentioned first - the tense makes it clear which one happened first

  • Active             : S+ had+ verb 3 (past participle)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ had+ been+ verb 3 (past participle)+ by+ S

  • Active             : S+had+not+Verb 3+O
  • Passive            : O+had+not+been+Verb 3+by+S 

  • Active             : Had+S+Verb 3+O
  • Passive            : Had+O+been+Verb 3+by+S

  • Active             : Had+not+S+Verb 3+O
  • Passive            : Had+not+O+been+Verb 3+by+S

1.     (+) Malin Kundang had bought the ship by his money
(+) Ultraman had killed the monster
2.     (-) Malin Kundang hadn’t bought the ship because he didn’t have enough money
(-) Ultraman hadn’t killed the monster
3.     (?)(+) Had Malin Kundang bought the ship?
(?)(+) Had Ultraman killed the monster?
4.     (?)(-) Hadn’t Malin Kundang bought the ship?
(?)(-) Hadn’t Ultraman killed the monster?

1.     (+) The ship had been bought by Malin Kundang by his money
(+) The monster had been killed by Ultraman
2.     (-) The ship hadn’t been bought by Malin Kundang because he didn’t have enough money
(-) The monster hadn’t been killed by Ultraman
3.     (?)(+) Had the ship been bought by Malin Kundang?
(?)(+) Had the monster been killed by Ultraman?
4.     (?)(-) Hadn’t the ship been bought by Malin Kundang?
(?)(-) Hadn’t the monster been killed by Ultraman?

Past perfect continuous tense
The past perfect continuous corresponds to the present perfect continuous, but with reference to a time earlier than 'before now'. As with the present perfect continuous, we are more interested in the process.

  • Active             : S+ had+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ had+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

  • Active             : S+ had+ not+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ had+ not+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

  • Active             : Had+S+been+(V1+ing)+O
  • Passive            : Had+O+been+being+(Verb3)+by+S

  • Active             : Had+not+S+been+(V1+ing)+O
  •  Passive            : Had+not+O+been+being+(Verb3)+by+S

1.     (+) They had been watching the Reog show- before we came
(+) We had been riding the boat since the afternoon
2.     (-) They had not been watching the Reog show before we came
(-) We hadn't been riding the boat since the afternoon
3.     (?)(+) Had they been watching the Reog show before we came?
(?)(+) Had you been riding the boat since the afternoon?
4.     (?)(-) Had not they been watching the Reog show before we came?
(?)(-) Hadn’t you been riding the boat until the afternoon?

1.     (+) The Reog show had been being watched by them- before we came
(+) The boat had been being ridden by us since the afternoon
2.     (-) The Reog show hadn't been being watched by them before we came
(-) The boat hadn't been being ridden by us until the evening
3.     (?)(+) Had the Reog show been being watched by them before we came?
(?)(+) Had the boat been being ridden by you since the afternoon?
4.     (?)(-) Hadn’t the Reog show been being watched by them before we came?
(?)(-) Hadn’t the boat been being ridden by you until the afternoon?

Past Future Tense
Simple Past Future Tense dibentuk dengan dua tipe, pertama yaitu ‘would’ dan bare infinitive (bentuk simpel dari verb). Tipe kedua dibentuk dari ‘was/were’, present participle ‘going’ dan infinitive. Infinitive yaitu suatu kata yang terdiri dari to + bare infinitive. Tipe kedua lebih sering digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang telah direncanakan.

Rumus Active Passive bentuk Positive dengan WOULD
  • Active             : S+ would+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : O+ would+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

  • Would digunakan untuk semua subjek dan objek, baik 1st person, 2nd and 3rd singular person maupun plural. Tidak ada perubahan bentuk.
  • Kata "bakal" sama artinya dengan "akan".
  • Di kalimat passive, kata "oleh" bisa dihilangkan atau tetap ditulis.

Rumus Active Passive bentuk Positive dengan BE GOING TO
  • Active             : S+ to be (was/were)+ going+ to+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : O+ to be (was/were)+ going+ to+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

  • To be "was" untuk subjek dan objek 1st person (I) dan 3rd singular person (she,he,it,etc).
  • To be "were" untuk subjek dan objek you (kamu), dan plural (we,they,many people,etc)

Contoh kalimat Active :
Dengan Would
  1. I would borrow her motorcycle, but she didn't permit me for it
  2. He would fell that banana tree, if the owner didn't know

Dengan Be Going To
  1. He was going to forward your message to Fania
  2. They were going to start the competition
Contoh kalimat Passive
Dengan Would           :
  1. Her motorcycle would be borrowed by me- but she didn't permit me for it
  2. That banana tree would be felled by him- if the owner didn't know 

Dengan Be Going To :
  1. Your message was going to be forwarded by him to Fania
  2. The competition was going to be started by them
Rumus Active Passive-Negative dengan WOULD
  • Active             : S+ would+ not+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : O+ would+ not+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

Rumus Active Passive-Negative dengan Be Going To
  • Active             : S+ to be (was/were)+ not+ going+ to+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : O+ to be (was/were)+ not+ going+ to+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

Contoh Kalimat Active Negative
Dengan Would           :
  1. I would not borrow her motorcycle, but she offered it for me
  2. He wouldn't fell that banana tree, if the owner knew

Dengan Be Going To :
  1. He was not going to forward your message to Fania
  2. They weren't going to start the competition

Contoh Kalimat Passive Negative
Dengan Would           :
  1. Her motorcycle would not be borrowed by me, but she offered me
  2. That banana tree wouldn't be felled by him, if the owner knew

Dengan Be Going To :
  1. Your message wasn't going to be forwarded by him to Fania
  2. The competition wasn't going to be started by them

Rumus Active Passive Interrogative Positive dengan Would
  • Active             : Would+ S+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : Would+ O+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

Rumus Active Passive Interrogative Positive dengan Be Going To
  • Active             : To be (was/were)S+ going+ to+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : To be (was/were)O+ going+ to+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

Contoh Kalimat Active Interrogative Positive
Dengan Would           :
  1. Would you borrow her motorcycle- if she was at there with you?
  2. Would he fell that banana tree- if the owner didn't know?

Dengan Be Going To :
  1. Was he going to forward my message to Fania?
  2. Were they going to start the competition?

Contoh Kalimat Passive Interrogative Positive
Dengan Would           :
  1. Would her motorcycle be borrowed by you, if she was at there with you? 
  2. Would that banana tree be felled by him, if the owner didn't know? 

Dengan Be Going To :
  1. Was my message going to be forwarded by him to Fania?
  2. Was the competition going to be started by them

Rumus Active Passive-Interrogative Negative dengan Would
  • Active             : Would+ not+ S+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : Would+ not+ O+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

Rumus Active Passive-Interrogative Negative dengan Be Going To
  • Active             : To be (was/were)+ not+ S+ going+ to+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : To be (was/were)+ not+ O+ going+ to+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

Contoh Kalimat Active-Interrogative Negative
Dengan Would           :
  1. Would not you borrow her motorcycle, even though she'd offered it for you?
  2. Wouldn't he fell that banana tree, if the owner knew?

Dengan Be Going To :
  1. Was not he going to forward my message to Fania?
  2. Weren't they going to start the competition?

Contoh Kalimat Passive-Interrogative Negative
Dengan Would           :
  1. Wouldn't her motorcycle be borrowed by you, even though you needed it?
  2. Wouldn't that banana tree be felled by him, if the owner knew?

Dengan Be Going To :
  1. Wasn't my message going to be forwarded by him to Fania?
  2. Wasn't the competition going to be started by them?

Past Future Continuous Tense
adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan aksi atau situasi imajiner yang sedang berlangsung

Bentuk Positive
  • Active             : S+ would+ be+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ would+ be+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Negative
  • Active             : S+ would+ not+ be+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ would+ not+ be+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Positive
  • Active             : Would+ S+ be+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : Would+ O+ be+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Negative
  • Active             : Would+ not+ S+ be+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : Would+ not+ O+ be+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Example      :
1.     (+) Romeo would be playing the guitar, if Juliet had come
(+) Bawang Putih would be helping Bawang Merah, if their father was at home
2.     (-) Romeo would not be playing the guitar, if Juliet hadn't come
(-) Bawang Putih wouldn't be helping Bawang Merah, if their father wasn't at home
3.     (?)(+) Would Romeo be playing the guitar- if Juliet had come?
(?)(+) Would Bawang Putih be helping Bawang Merah- if their father was at home?
4.     (?)(-) Would not Romeo be playing the guitar- if Juliet hadn't come?
(?)(-) Wouldn't Bawang Putih be helping Bawang Merah- if their father wasn't at home?

1.     (+) The guitar would be being played by Romeo- if Juliet had come
(+) Bawang Merah would be being helped by Bawang Putih- if their father was at home
2.     (-) The guitar wouldn't be being played by Romeo- if Juliet hadn't come
(-) Bawang Merah wouldn't be being helped by Bawang Putih- if their father wasn't at home
3.     (?)(+)Would the guitar be being played by Romeo- if Juliet had come?
(?)(+)Would Bawang Merah be being helped by Bawang Putih- if their father was at home
4.     (?)(-) Wouldn't the guitar be being played by Romeo- if Juliet hadn't come? 
(?)(-) Wouldn't Bawang Merah be being helped by Bawang Putih- if their father wasn't at home?

adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk membicarakan aktivitas yang tidak terjadi, mungkin terjadi, atau sebenarnya dapat dilakukan namun tidak berhasil dilakukan di masa lampau.

Bentuk Positive        
  • Active             : S+ would+ have+ verb 3 (past participle)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ would+ have+ been+ verb 3 (past participle)+ by+ S

Bentuk Negative       
  • Active             : S+ would+ not+ have+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive            : O+ would+ not+ have+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Positive
  • Active             : Would+ S+ have+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive            : Would+ O+ have+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Negative
  • Active             : Would+ not+ S+ have+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive            : Would+ not+ O+ have+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

1.     (+) He would have established his factory in 1775, if his parents allowed him 
(+) Jaka Tingkir would have found the cave, if he walked to the west
2.     (-) He wouldn't have established his factory, because his parents hadn't allowed him
(-) Jaka Tingkir wouldn't have found the cave- as long as he hadn't walked to the west
3.     (?)(+) Would he have established his factory- before his parents allowed him? 
(?)(+) Would Jaka Tingkir have found the cave before he walked to the west? 
4.     (?)(-) Wouldn't he have established his factory- if his parents hadn't allowed him?
(?)(-) Wouldn't Jaka Tingkir have found the cave- if he didn't walk to the west? 

1.     (+) His factory would have been established by him in 1775- if his parents allowed him
(+) The cave would have been found by Jaka Tingkir- if he walked to the west 
2.     (-) His factory wouldn't have been established by him- because his parents hadn't allowed him
(-)The cave wouldn't have been found by Jaka Tingkir- as long as he hadn't walked to the west
3.     (?)(+) Would his factory have been established by him before his parents allowed him?
(?)(+) Would the cave have been found by Jaka Tingkir- if he didn't walk to the west?
4.     (?)(-) Wouldn't his factory have been established by him- before his parents allowed him?
(?)(-) Wouldn't the cave have been found by Jaka Tingkir- until he walked to the west?

Tenses ini merupakan bentuk past (masa lampau) dari future perfect continuous tense. Merupakan penggabungan dari past future tense, perfect tense dan past continuous tense sehingga rumus tenses ini menjadi: S+ would+ have+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O. Fungsi tenses ini untuk menjelaskan suatu rencana atau memprediksikan suatu kejadian yang akan dan sedang terjadi di masa lampau, biasa digunakan dalam penulisan short story, novel, diary, etc. fungsi tenses ini merupakan penggabungan dari fungsi past future, perfect dan past continuous tense.

Bentuk Positive
  • Active             : S+ would+ have+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ would+ have+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Negative
  • Active             : S+ would+ not+ have+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ would+ not+ have+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Positive
  • Active             : Would+ S+ have+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : Would+ O+ have+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Negative
  • Active             : Would+ not+ S+ have+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : Would+ not+ O+ have+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

EXAMPLE           :
1.     (+) Cik Gu would have been teaching Ipin and Upin- if Sopo and Jarwo had left the class
(+) Jarwo would have been washing those bowls- if Haji Udin was in the side of him
2.     (-) Cik Gu would not have been teaching Ipin and Upin- if Sopo and Jarwo hadn't left the class
(-) Jarwo wouldn't have been washing those bowls- if Haji Udin wasn't in the side of him
3.     (?)(+) Would Cik Gu have been teaching Ipin and Upin- if Sopo and Jarwo had left the class?
(?)(+) Would Jarwo have been washing those bowls- if Haji Udin was in the side of him?
4.     (?)(-) Would not Cik Gu have been teaching Ipin and Upin- if Sopo and Jarwo hadn't left the class?
(?)(-) Wouldn't Jarwo have been washing those bowls- if Haji Udin wasn't in the side of him?

1.     (+) Ipin and Upin would have been being taught by Cik Gu- if Sopo and Jarwo had left the class
(+) Those bowls would have been being washed by Jarwo- if Haji Udin was in the side of him
2.     (-) Ipin and Upin wouldn't have been being taught by Cik Gu- if Sopo and Jarwo hadn't left the class
(-) Those bowls wouldn't have been being washed by Jarwo- if Haji Udin wasn't in the side of him
3.     (?)(+) Would Ipin and Upin have been being taught by Cik Gu- if Sopo and Jarwo had left the class?
(?)(+) Would those bowls have been being washed by Jarwo- if Haji Udin was in the side of him?
4.     (?)(-) Wouldn't Ipin and Upin have been being taught by Cik Gu- if Sopo and Jarwo hadn't left the class?
(?)(-) Wouldn't those bowls have been being washed by Jarwo- if Haji Udin wasn't in the side of him? 

Simple Present Tense
adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang terjadi saat ini (present) pada suatu spesifik waktu. Karena terjadi pada waktu sekarang, maka pasti menggunakan kata kerja pertama (verb 1) dalam susunan kalimatnya

Bentuk Positive
  • Active             : S+ verb 1/ verb 1-s/es+ O
  • Passive            : O+ am/is/are+ verb 3+ by+ S

  • To be "am" untuk objek I.
  • To be "does" dan "is" untuk subjek/objek 3rd singular (she,he,it,her,him,Budi,etc).
  • To be "are" untuk objek 2nd person (you(kamu)) dan plural (they,we,you(kalian),my books,your pets,etc).
  • To be "do" untuk subjek I dan plural
  • kalimat passive selalu disusun dengan verb 3 (past participle)

Bentuk Negative
  • Active             : S+ do/does+ not+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : O+ am/is/are+ not+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Positive
  • Active             : Do/does+ S+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : Am/is/are+ O+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Negative
  • Active             : Do/does+ not+ S+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : Am/is/are+ not+ O+ verb 3+ by+ S
1.     (+) I clean my bedroom every morning
(+) He always washes his car, before he uses it
2.     (-) I don't clean my bedroom every morning
(-) He doesn't wash his car even though it's been dirty
3.     (?)(+) Do I clean my bedroom every morning?
(?)(+) Does he always wash his car?
4.     (?)(-) Don't you clean your bedroom everyday?
(?)(-) Doesn't he wash his car even though it's been dirty?

1.     (+) My bedroom is cleaned by me every morning
(+) His car is always washed by him, before it's used by him
2.     (-) My bedroom isn't cleaned by me every morning
(-) His car isn't washed by him even though it's been dirty
3.     (?)(+) Is my bedroom cleaned by me every morning?
(?)(+) Is his car always washed by him?
4.     (?)(-) Isn't your bedroom cleaned by yourself everyday?
(?)(-) Isn't his car washed by him even though it's been dirty?

Present Continuous Tense
merupakan tense bentuk yang menunjuk pada tindakan yang sedang berlangsung sekarang atau ketika pembicaraan itu sedang berlangsung. Jadi tindakan itu sudah dimulai, dan belum berakhir ketika pembicaraan itu berlangsung

Bentuk Positive
  • Active             : S+ am/is/are+ (present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ am/is/are+ being+ verb 3+ by+ S

Notes :
  • To be "am" untuk subjek/objek I.
  • To be "is" untuk subjek/objek 3rd singular (she,he,it,Robert,etc).
  • To be "are" untuk subjek/objek 2nd person (you(kamu)), dan plural (they,we,you(kalian),many students,etc).
  • Bentuk passive selalu menggunakan verb 3.

Bentuk Negative
  • Active             : S+ am/is/are+ not+ (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ am/is/are+ not+ being+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Positive
  • Active             : Am/is/are+ S+ (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : Am/is/are+ O+ being+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Negativ
  • Active             : Am/is/are+ not+ S+ (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : Am/is/are+ not+ O+ being+ verb 3+ by+ S

1.     (+) Now, I'm calling Robert
(+) Rena is sending a voice note to me
2.     (-) I ain't calling Robert now
(-) Rena isn't sending a voice note to me
3.     (?)(+) Am I calling Robert now?
(?)(+) Is Rena sending a voice note to me?
4.     (?)(-) Ain't I calling Robert?
(?)(-) Isn't Rena sending a voice note to me?

1.     (+) Robert is being called by me now
(+) A voice note is being sent by Rena to me
2.     (-) Robert isn't being called by me now
(-) A voice note isn't being sent by Rena to me
3.     (?)(+) Is Robert being called by me?
(?)(+) Is a voice note being sent by Rena to me?
4.     (?)(-) Isn't Robert being called by me?
(?)(-) Isn't a voice note being sent by Rena to me?

Simple Future Tense
adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi terjadi dimasa depan, secara spontan atau terencana.
Ada 2  rumus, yaitu dengan modal auxiliary verb (will dan shall) dan dengan be going to. Perbedaannya, will waktunya belum tentu, shall lebih ke suatu keharusan yang mendesak harus dilakukan, dan be going to waktunya segera dan pasti.

Bentuk Positive
(Dengan Will/shall)
  • Active             : S+ will/shall+ verb 1 (bare infinitive)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ will/shall+ be+ verb 3 (past participle)+ by+ S

Notes :
  • Will digunakan untuk semua subjek dan objek, baik 1st person (I), 2nd person (you(kamu)), 3rd singular person (she,he,it,etc) maupun plural (they,we,people,etc).
  • Shall digunakan hanya untuk I, you, they dan we, selain itu tidak diperbolehkan.
  • I,you,they,we bisa menggunakan kedua-duanya baik will ataupun shall.
  •  Kalimat passive selalu menggunakan verb 3 (past participle)

(Dengan Be Going To)
  • Active             : S+ to be (am/is/are)+ going+ to+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : O+ to be (am/is/are)+ going+ to+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

Notes :
  • To be "am" untuk subjek/objek I.
  • To be "is" untuk subjek/objek 3rd singular (she,he,it,Ana,a car,etc).
  • To be "are" untuk subjek/objek 2nd person (you(kamu)) dan plural (we,they,many people,you (kalian)). 

Bentuk Negative
(Dengan will/shall)
  • Active             : S+ will/shall+ not+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : O+ will/shall+ not+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

(Dengan Be Going To)
  • Active             : S+ to be (am/is/are)+ not+ going+ to+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : O+ to be (am/is/are)+ not+ going+ to+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Positive
(Dengan will/shall)
  • Active             : Will/shall+ S+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : Will/shall+ O+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

(Dengan Be Going To)
  • Active             : To be (am/is/are)+ S+ going+ to+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : To be (am/is/are)+ O+ going+ to+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Negative
(Dengan will/shall)
  • Active             : Will/shall+ not+ S+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : Will/shall+ not+ O+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

(Dengan Be Going To)
  • Active             : To be (am/is/are)+ not+ S+ going+ to+ verb 1+ O
  • Passive            : To be (am/is/are)+ not+ O+ going+ to+ be+ verb 3+ by+ S

1.     (+) (Will/shall) I will buy this book tomorrow
(+) (Be Going To) I'm going to call her this afternoon
2.     (-) (will/shall) I will not buy this book now
(-) (Be Going To) I ain't going to call her this afternoon
3.     (?)(+) (will/shall) Will you buy this book tomorrow?
(?)(+) (Be Going To) Am I going to call her this afternoon?
4.     (?)(-) (Will/shall) Won't you buy this book tomorrow?
(?)(-) (Be Going To) Ain't I going to call her this afternoon?

1.     (+) (will/shall) This book will be bought by me tomorrow
(+) (be going to) She's going to be called by me this afternoon
2.     (-) (will/shall) This book won't be bought by me now
(-) (Be Going To) She isn't going to be called by me this afternoon
3.     (?)(+) (will/shall) Will this book be bought by you tomorrow?
(?)(+) (Be Going To) Is She going to be called by you this afternoon?
4.     (?)(-) (Will/shall) Won't this book be bought by you tomorrow?
(?)(-) (Be Going To) Is the car left by the owner on that street going to be pushed by them? 

adalah tense yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan perbuatan atau peristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi pada suatu waktu di masa depan. Tense ini dibentuk oleh modal “will” diikuti oleh “present participle.”

Bentuk Positive
  • Active             : S+ will+ be+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ will+ be+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Negative
  • Active             : S+ will+ not+ be+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ will+ not+ be+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Posistive
  • Active             : Will+ S+ be+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : Will+ O+ be+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Negative
  • Active             : Will+ not+ S+ be+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : Will+ not+ O+ be+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

1.     (+) They will be reading the books- if Mr. John has come
(+) He will be repairing your computer- if you've been at there
2.     (-) They won't be reading the books- before Mr. John comes
(-) He won't be repairing your computer- if you aren't at there
3.     (?)(+) Will they be reading the books- after Mr. John comes?
(?)(+) Will he be repairing my computer- if I've come?
4.     (?)(-) Won't they be reading the books- if Mr. John hasn't come? 
(?)(-) Won't he be repairing my computer- if I ain't at there?

1.     (+) The books will be being read by them- if Mr. John has come
(+) Your computer will be being repaired by him- if you've been at there 
2.     (-) The books won't be being read by them- before Mr. John comes
(-) Your computer won't be being repaired by him- if you aren't at there 
3.     (?)(+) Will the books be being read by them- if Mr. John has come?
(?)(+) Will my computer be being repaired by him- when I'm at there?
4.     (?)(-) Won't the books be being read by them- before Mr. John comes?
(?)(-) Won't my computer be being repaired by him- if I ain't at there?

dipakai untuk menyatakan perbuatan atau situasi yang dimulai di masa lampau dan sudah selesai atau masih terjadi atau masih ada hubungannya dengan masa sekarang.

Bentuk Positive
  • Active             : S+ have/has+ verb 3 (past participle)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ have/has+ been+ verb 3 (past participle)+ by+ S

Notes   :
  • To be "have" untuk subjek/objek I, you dan plural (we,they,people,etc).
  • To be "has" untuk subjek/objek 3rd singular person (she,he,it,Andi, Dina,etc).
  • Penggunaan to be "have/has" dalam kalimat bentuk active tergantung pada subjek, sedang bentuk passive tergantung pada objek.

Bentuk Negative
  • Active             : S+ have/has+ not+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive            : O+ have/has+ not+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Posistive
  • Active             : Have/has+ S+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive            : Have/has+ O+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Negative
  • Active             : Have/has+ not+ S+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive            : Have/has+ not+ O+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S
1.     (+) Duta has removed the files from his computer
(+) We have created this paper since 1 week ago
2.     (-) Duta hasn't removed the files from his computer 
(-) We haven't finished this paper until now
3.     (?)(+) Has Duta removed the files from his computer?
(?)(+) Have you created the paper?
4.     (?)(-) Hasn't Duta removed the files from his computer?
(?)(-) Haven't you created the paper?

1.     (+) The files have been removed by Duta from his computer
(+) This paper has been created by us since 1 week ago
2.     (-) The files haven't been removed by Duta from his computer
(-) This paper hasn't been finished by us until now
3.     (?)(+) Have the files been removed by Duta from his computer?
(?)(+) Has the paper been created by yourselves?
4.     (?)(-) Haven't the files been removed by Duta from his computer? 
(?)(-) Hasn't the paper been created by yourselves?

Present Perfect Continuous Tense
tenses ini digunakan untuk menerangkan suatu aksi yang sudah dilakukan, entah beberapa menit, jam, bahkan beberapa hari yang lalu, namun sampai sekarang (sampai kita menulis atau mengucapkannya) masih kita lakukan dan belum berhenti.

Bentuk Positive
  • Active             : S+ have/has+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ have/has+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

  • To be "has" untuk 3rd singular (she,he,it,Oki,a book,etc).
  • To be "have" untuk 1st person (I), 2nd person (you (kamu)) dan plural (we, they, you (kalian), students, etc).

Bentuk Negative
  • Active             : S+ have/has+ not+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ have/has+ not+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Posistive
  • Active             : Have/has+ S+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : Have/has+ O+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Negative
  • Active: Have/has+ not+ S+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive: Have/has+ not+ O+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

1.     (+) I have been writing this blog's article since 1 hour ago
(+) She has been listening the radio since 5 hours ago
2.     (-) I haven't been writing that blog's article until now
(-) She hasn't been listening this radio- since she firstly bought it
3.     (?)(+) Have you been writing your blog's article since 1 hour ago?
(?)(+) Has she been listening the radio since 5 hours ago?
4.     (?)(-) Haven't you been writing your blog's article until now?
(?)(-) Hasn't she been listening the radio since she firstly bought it?

1.     (+) This blog's article has been being written by me since 1 hour ago
(+) The radio has been being listened by her since 5 hours ago
2.     (-) That blog's article hasn't been being written by me until now
(-) The radio hasn't been being listened by her since it's firstly bought
3.     (?)(+) Has your blog's article been being written by you since 1 hour ago? 
(?)(+) Has the radio been being listened by her since 5 hours ago?
4.     (?)(-) Hasn't your blog's article been being written by you?
(?)(-) Hasn't the radio been being listened by her since it's firstly bought? 

Future Perfect Tense
adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aktivitas akan sudah selesai pada titik waktu di masa depan.

Bentuk Positive
  • Active             : S+ will+ have+ verb 3 (past participle)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ will+ have+ been+ verb 3 (past participle)+by+ S

Bentuk Negative
  • Active             : S+ will+ not+ have+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive            : O+ will+ not+ have+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Posistive
  • Active             : Will+ S+ have+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive            : Will+ O+ have+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Negative
  • Active: Will+ not+ S+ have+ verb 3+ O
  • Passive: Will+ not+ O+ have+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

1.     (+) Fandi will have helped you- if you force him
(+) Sekar will have installed the application- if she needs it
2.     (-) Fandi will not have helped you- if you haven't forced him
(-) Sekar will not have installed the application- if she doesn't need it
3.     (?)(+) Will Fandi have helped me- before I force him?
(?)(+) Will Sekar have installed the application- although she doesn't need it? 
4.     (?)(-) Won't Fandi have helped me- if I don't force him? 
(?)(-) Won't Sekar have installed the application- if she hasn't needed it?

1.   (+) You will have been helped by Fandi- if you force him 
(+) The application will have been installed by Sekar- if she needs it
2.   (-) You will not have been helped by Fandi- if you don't force him 
(-) The application will not have been installed by Sekar- if she doesn't need it
3.   (?)(+) Will I have been helped by Fandi- although I don't force him?
(?)(+) Will the application have been installed by Sekar- even though she doesn't need it?
4.   (?)(-) Won't I have been helped by Fandi now?
(?)(-) Won't the application have been installed by Sekar- before she needs it? 

Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Tenses ini merupakan bentuk present dari past future perfect continuous tense. Merupakan penggabungan dari rumus simple future, present perfect dan present continuous tense sehingga rumus menjadi ...+ will+ have+ been+ (V1+ing)+..., tenses ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu aksi yang direncanakan akan sudah dilakukan dan masih terus dilakukan di masa depan, atau boleh dikatakan fungsinya juga penggabungan dari simple future, present perfect dan present continuous tense.

Bentuk Positive
  • Active             : S+ will+ have+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ will+ have+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Negative
  • Active             : S+ will+ not+ have+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : O+ will+ not+ have+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Posistive
  • Active             : Will+ S+ have+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : Will+ O+ have+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S

Bentuk Interrogative Negative
  • Active             : Will+ not+ S+ have+ been+ present participle (V1+ing)+ O
  • Passive            : Will+ not+ O+ have+ been+ being+ past participle (verb 3)+ by+ S
1.     (+) I will have been explaining my plan for our team- if you all have gathered in here
(+) They will have been promoting their new products tomorrow
2.     (-) I will not have been explaining my plan for our team- if you all haven't gathered in here
(-) They will not have been promoting their new products today
3.     (?)(+) Will you have been explaining your plan for our team- if we all have gathered in here?
(?)(+) Will They have been promoting their new products tomorrow?
4.     (?)(-) Won't you have been explaining your plan for our team- if we all haven't gathered in here?
(?)(-) Won't they have been promoting their new products today?

1.     (+) My plan for our team will have been being explained by me- if you all have gathered in here
(+) Their new products will have been being promoted by them tomorrow 
2.   (-) My plan for our team will not have been being explained by me- if you all haven't gathered in here
(-) Their new products will not have been being promoted by them today 
3.   (?)(+) Will your plan for our team have been being explained by you- if we all have gathered in here?
(?)(+) Will their new products have been being promoted by them tomorrow? 
4.   (?)(-) Won't your plan for our team have been being explained by you- if we all haven't gathered in here? 
(?)(-) Won't their new products have been being promoted by them today? 
