Monday, March 26, 2018

Tugas 1

Nama Kelompok
 Aufa Bayu Adhinegoro (21215135)
 Immanuel Febrian (23215319)
Kelas : 3EB13

Contoh kalimat
1. Singular Subject
That apple is from Medan
Plural Subject
Those apple are from Medan

2. Tense
Simple present : We agree with the speaker’s opinion
Simple present continios : I’m driving a car to Bandung now
Simple past tense : The party started at 10.00 a.m
Simple future : I am going to meet him tomorrow

3. Two Word Verbs : Mr Jonson decided to call the meeting off when he heard
about the accident

4. Either or Neither
Either : He did not write this article, and they did not either
Neither : I can not swim in the ocean and neither can he

5. I don’t have / I have no
I don’t have : I do NOT have any English Grammar Book
I have no : I have no money

6. Has/Have
Has : Jony has his car washed twice a month
Have : I am going to have a shower

7. Singular
Each of them takes a lunch box
Every one of them takes a lunch box

8. Gerund as subject
Calling you as my girlfriend will never make me happy
Cooking is something that so hard to do

9. Collective noun
Herd : i see herd of big elephants in the zoo
Bucket : he gives me a bucket of red flower
Nest : that is a nest of little bird

10. Pronoun
Subject : I have a dream
Object : Give me a reason
Passive Adjactive : That is my bag
Passive Pronoun : That is bag of mine
Reflexive Pronoun : I work hard for yourself

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